Calling all Region 2 Interpreters – Let’s get it in writing!
Fundraiser and Super Resource!
Region 2 would like to try something new this year – developing an original interpretive booklet with program ideas and interpretative tools compiled from our membership. This booklet will be shared with the entire membership, as well as sold as a fundraiser for Region 2. We are asking that you dig deep into your interpretive coat pockets and pull out any plant-related activities for our new Region 2 Booklet: Plants. (This is a working title, so we will accept title suggestions, too!) Don’t be shy about what you submit – please, the more submissions the better! We challenge each one of you to send in a submission and give a friendly elbow to your favorite interpreter to send in their own submission.
Topic ideas include (but are not limited to):
· Programs and ideas about how to interpret: ferns, flowers, trees, leaves, adaptations, identification (flowers, trees, leaves, ferns, mosses, winter twigs), plant-animal interactions, photosynthesis, plants to avoid, phenology, cultural history (medicinal uses, edibles, historical significance), conservation – and more!
· The best times and/or areas to interpret different groups of plants.
· Problems you’ve faced and overcome with plant programs, things you’ve tried and you suggest others NOT repeat, and your funniest “What was I thinking!?!” stories.
· Resources to find more great plant information: websites, books, multimedia, citizen science projects, posters, brochures, etc.
Submissions should be ideas or programs you have developed from scratch or modified from a published source. We cannot republish activities published in sources such as Project Learning Tree, Project WILD, etc. Your submissions can be whole program write-ups; one-line activities and ideas; original songs, poems or crafts; a list of resources; or anecdotes about program ideas that did or did not work. You can include your submissions in an e-mail or attach as a Word document.